Podcast & Video Marketing Services

Creative Marketing

Video has never been more important for reaching your audience with meaningful and motivating marketing messages. 

At SiteVisibility, we offer guidance, solutions, and advice to our clients on how to harness the power of video in line with their strategic objectives. We provide detailed audits of video use across websites and the efficacy of YouTube channels as well as helping our clients to utlise creative media across their marketing channels such as SEO, Paid Media, and PR. 

This helps our clients to gain more brand awareness, advocacy, and make more sales. 

We also have years of training, expertise and the equipment and partners necessary to deliver on your production needs from small to large scale. This means that as a creative digital agency, we’re uniquely placed to take you from concept to production to promotion whilst accurately measuring performance and ROI. 

We want to help you tell and share your stories with target audiences, so if you’d like to find out more about how our creative services can help you, give us a call on 01273 733433 or leave us a message via the button below. 

What Is Creative Media?

Creative Media is a group of audio and visually led storytelling assets that provide audiences with a route to engagement with a campaign, brand, or digital entity. 

To work successfully, it requires strong direction, vision, and collaboration between both content creators and brand teams. 

Our approach is to provide insight into the storytelling opportunities for businesses by looking at what motivates and interests your audiences, what budget you have available, and what business objectives you have to reach. 

Once we know the scale and scope of what we want to achieve together creatively, we can then plan, produce, and amplify those brand stories across strategically chosen platforms and channels. 

Our expertise in production, as well as marketing, combine to make us a powerful addition to your business strategy. 

Our creative media services are for brands that want to find, move, and motivate their audiences and harness the power of video, podcasting, and other digital content formats.

Not Just Video, It’s Podcasts Too!

Have you considered the way your audiences like to consume information? Do you think your potential audience is larger than what you’re seeing through your current marketing tactics? 

If so, considering both video and audio in your marketing is a priority. 

Video and Podcasts have been proven time and time again to increase traffic, increase conversions, reach more people and motivate them to take action. 

Just take a look at the stats below: 

  • 95% of a message is retained by audiences when communicated via video compared to 10% when read
  • 65% of people use YouTube to help them solve a problem
  • Videos attract 300% more traffic and help to nurture leads
  • Video is expected to make up 82% of internet traffic by 2022
  • 6.5 million adults in the UK listen to podcasts weekly (That’s 12% of UK adults!)
  • Googles AI can identify the visual contents of a video, we can help you take advantage of that
  • Many platforms are evolving or emerging to use video as a core message delivery format
  • Storytelling is primal and instinctual and its power for marketing is unrivaled

Check Out Some of Our Explainer Videos Below

What Does Creative Media Have To Do With SEO & Digital Marketing?

The answer, is everything. 

We’re well-known for our heritage in SEO, and we know that marketing is rarely a one channel game anymore. 

That’s one of the many reasons we offer creative media services. To truly offer a value-led, digital marketing strategy for our clients, we must take a blended marketing approach. 

Video, at the very least, must be part of the recipe.

  • Videos appear at the top of search engine results pages, meaning if you have a well-optimised video you could increase your organic traffic by entering at the top of search results for valuable queries.
  • 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool — up from 63% over the previous year - which means it’s likely your competitors are already harnessing the power of video in their marketing
  • YouTube is the second most popular website after Google
  • 54% of podcast consumers say they think about buying advertised products

You like stats? Us too! Here’s a whole bunch more.

Our Experience

Rachel Pearson is our Head of Creative by day and videographer and creative media nerd by, well...24/7! 

Along with the rest of Team SV, she has a large range of skills and experience in video, film, podcast production, and marketing:

  • Rachel has a Degree in Film Studies (BA Hons)
  • Rachel studied extensively at Raindance Film School and Brightons Screen and Film School
  • Our team has worked on-set in multiple roles: SFX makeup, production manager, editor, After effects artist, First AD, cinematographer, director, and actors!
  • The team manages and hosts 4+ podcasts between us: 
  • We have 40+ years of combined experience in paid and organic digital marketing in every discipline 
  • We’re explicitly trained in video and audio editing, After Effects, cinematography, directing, and colour grading
  • We have a team of experienced and creative writers who love to tell compelling stories

Have a chat with our team about your video and podcast marketing and production ideas. We aim to help people realise that creative media can be scaled and accessed no matter the budget, so we’ll take on any challenge. 

Don’t be put off by thinking it has to cost as much as the Heart of the Ocean!

Listen to The Podcasts Hosted and Managed by the SiteVisibility Team Below

Our Creative Media Services Include

  • YouTube Audit with video content road map and strategy
  • Video Marketing Strategy (Paid and/or Organic)
  • Podcast Marketing Strategy (Paid and/or Organic)
  • Creative Media Workshops and Training
  • Video SEO Review & Strategy
  • Paid Media Video Campaigns
  • Measuring the ROI of Creative Media
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Brand Marketing
  • Video and Podcast Production
  • Podcast Ads

You Talkin’ to ME?

We think the best way is to have a chat! You can give our Content & Creative team a call on 01273 733433 or leave us a message via the form below. We'd love to help you get your video marketing or podcast moving!  

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