SiteVisibility is committed to:

  • Delivering a quality service which satisfies, and if possible, exceeds customer expectations.
  • Providing employees with all relevant information and appropriate training in relation to quality.
  • Facilitating employees to develop their skills and knowledge to the benefit of both the employees and company.
  • Complying with all relevant statutory requirements.
  • Providing a safe environment for its employees.
  • Setting measurable quality objectives; and
  • Striving continually to improve performance in relation to quality.

SiteVisibility regards quality as the responsibility of all persons working in the company and expects all employees to always act to maintain safe working conditions and to report all opportunities for improvement promptly.

This achievement will result in securing efficiency, a strong customer focus and enhancement of long-term sustainability and profitability within the company.

This policy statement has been endorsed by the Senior Leadership Team and is reviewed annually.

This policy is available to interested parties upon request.

Originated on 1 Jan 2011

Incorporated by: Jason Woodford on 24 October 2001

Reviewed on 3rd July 2023