Email Marketing – Podcast Episode #6

In Internet Marketing Podcast, SEO, The Digital Marketing Blog by Kelvin3 Comments

Email marketing offers a cost effective and targeted way of reaching existing and potential new customers. However there are a lot of factors that must be considered when building a campaign, including the pitfalls of spam filters, ineffective creative, bad lists and the Data Protection Act! Daniel and Andy walk you through the basics of Email marketing and give some hands on tips on how to create an effective campaign.



  1. I’m such a fan of the Internet Marketing Podcast with Kelvin and Andy that I’m downloading and listening to all the archives. Great knowledge in these gems – thank you – keep them coming.

    The only podcast I can’t find is this one (Episode #6) there doesn’t appear to be a download link. Can you help me guys?

  2. Hi Mike,

    The podcast should be working now. Let me know if you have any problems.

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