#437 How to Become a Successful Millennial Entrepreneur: Interview with Richard Lorenzen

In Internet Marketing Podcast, The Digital Marketing Blog by SeanLeave a Comment

In this week’s episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Richard Lorezen, CEO of Fifth Avenue Brands to discuss entrepreneurship and provide tips for becoming a successful millennial entrepreneur.

On the show you’ll learn:

  • If entrepreneurs are born or whether it’s a skill that can be learnt
  • The trigger that got Richard interested in starting his own business at 15
  • Why it’s important to think like a teenager and not overthink
  • The importance of having a start-up mindset and learning as you go
    • Why you shouldn’t let inexperience stop you
  • The importance of transparency in business

Richard also discusses his book, Surge in which he shares the strategies, habits and mindsets he used to take the company that he started at 15 years old and turn it into one of New York’s fastest-growing public relations firms.

Plus, as usual Richard provides his top tip/key takeaway.

If you’d like to connect with Richard you can find him on Twitter hereon LinkedIn here and on Instagram here.

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