#520 Mobile-First Indexing & The SERP Of The Future: Interview With Cindy Krum

In Internet Marketing Podcast, SEO, The Digital Marketing Blog by SeanLeave a Comment

On today’s episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Cindy Krum, CEO and Founder of MobileMoxie to talk about Mobile First Indexing and the story your data isn’t telling you. 

On the show you’ll learn:

  • What the latest Google “Mobile 1st indexing” update means and Cindy’s unique theories
  • Why Mobile First Indexing doesn’t just mean a shift in how Google crawls or index’s websites, but also means a shift in the way Google looks at the language used on your site
  • How machine learning in terms of language is effecting search results on both mobile and desktop
  • What Progressive Web Apps are and why you should consider them in your marketing efforts
  • How you can get started with Mobile SEO

Plus Cindy provides her top tip/key takeaway for the audience.

If you’d like to connect with Cindy, you can find her on Twitter here and on LinkedIn here. You can also find the Mobile Moxie Mobile SERP Test here.


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