Today Kelvin Newman takes the helm as he is joined by Jon Hibbitt, SEO analyst at SiteVisibility, who talks about the current SEO concerns in the travel industry. Jon has recently sat down and dealt with clients in the travel industry and has talked to them about the problems they had been facing. A key area that was a concern was mobile SEO. In this podcast Jon discusses the idea of ‘ Mobilegeddon’ and the issues surrounding mobile SEO.
Jon explained that some businesses had prepared for this to happen while others didn’t. Though, this issue was easy to spot, as small businesses were using mobile responsive sites such as WordPress and had nothing to worry about. If anything it was the big businesses that were suffering the most.
Jon found that big business showed cynicism regarding the use of mobile SEO as they were uncertain how this would react on rankings. Though, he believes that overtime there will flux of data that will demonstrate that being mobile friendly is a good thing. He further indicates that businesses should look at it from a user perspective, as users what to find stuff on whatever device they are on.
The importance of https was discussed in this podcast and whether travel industries were incorporating it. Jon found that some have, hoping that they will get a ranking benefit however some travel companies had swapped and noticed a drop on the rankings from 50%. Jon importantly notes that “it’s important to know the technical side before making the switch and that there should proceed with caution.”
Have you switched to HTTPS recently for SEO reason and what’s that impact been like? Let us know by getting in touch with us or drop a comment below.