#372 Building a Strategy for 2017: Interview with Simon Kingsnorth

In Internet Marketing Podcast, The Digital Marketing Blog by SeanLeave a Comment

In this week’s podcast, Andy is joined by Simon Kingsnorth, Global Head of Digital Marketing at Citi Bank, to discuss building a digital strategy for 2017. Simon discusses where technology is headed, including the use of virtual reality, the trends that we are seeing and how they might impact our strategies. He also speaks about where content marketing is heading and explains why he thinks authenticity and video based content will be an important focus in 2017. Plus, hear Simon’s prediction for what trend he feels will have the biggest impact in 2017.

Simon has recently published his book, Digital Marketing Strategy, An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing, which is available to buy on Amazon here (and lots of other places for people who don’t do Amazon!). You can also find out more about what the book entails here.

If you’d like to connect with Simon, you can follow him on Twitter here.


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