#380: The Death of Content Marketing and why it’s a myth – Interview with Adam Erhart

In Content Marketing, Internet Marketing Podcast, Social Media & Online PR, The Digital Marketing Blog by Jennifer SchweigerLeave a Comment

Today Andy is joined by digital marketing strategist and founder or Siren Consulting Firm, Adam Erhart.

Adam explains the reasons why people think Content Marketing is dead. He discusses how today, people look at content marketing and see “the old way of doing it”, where it was more important to fill the market with as much Content as possible. He explains that if you look online today, you’ll find content absolutely everywhere but that it isn’t always good, reliable content.

Adam says that what we need now is better and more relevant content. He says that people are looking for ever lasting content that tells you everything you need to know at once instead of wasting time, having to pick out the most important information in an extremely long document. Adam believes that if you look at content marketing in a new way, with all these new innovations and developments, you’ll actually notice that content marketing is at its peak. So, if someone tells you about the death of content marketing, this person is probably talking about the old way of doing it, and that is absolutely true.

Adam goes into more detail, explaining how to expand on you’r content marketing strategies and where you should be focussing your time. He believes that the main thing is to provide as much value as possible to your customer. Adam predicts that we will continue on the path of focussing on value, authenticity and transparency and that repurposing will still be a big thing, if you do it right.

Finally, Adam gives great and easy-to-understand advice and insights on how to cope with these things and how to make your future content more valuable.

Contact Adam:

Adam’s Main Website

Adam’s Podcast

Siren Consulting Firm



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