#414 Wired Sussex 10th Anniversary Show

In Internet Marketing Podcast, The Digital Marketing Blog by SeanLeave a Comment

In today’s episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast we have a very special show!

In celebration of Wired Sussex’s 10th Anniversary, Andy is joined by:

  • Phil Jones, MD at Wired Sussex,  
  • Jenni Lloyd (Director)
  • Rebecca Groves (Head of Projects)
  • Alex Morrison (Chair)
  • Jason Woodford, Board Member and CEO at SiteVisibility

On the show, you’ll learn:

  • Who Wired Sussex are and what they do
  • Why Brighton is so successful at starting and developing digital businesses
  • How Wired Sussex have contributed to developing digital businesses
  • The key risks and opportunities for the digital economy over the next 3 years
  • Why 5G is one of the biggest opportunities for digital businesses

Plus, Alex and Rebecca provide their top tip/key takeaway.

You can find out more about Wired Sussex on Twitter here and if you’d like to get in touch, you can email Rebecca here.

If you'd like to nominate a guest for the podcast (self-nomination is also ok!) or have a suggestion for a topic that you'd like to see us cover, please get in touch using the form below:

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