In today’s episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Phil Singleton, Co-Author of SEO for Growth and Founder of Kansas City Web Design to talk about his experiences in SEO and the tips and tactics that he’s using today.
On the show you’ll learn:
- How the project for SEO for Growth came about
- The challenges Phil sees in agency business today & how to overcome them
- The strategies and tactics that Phil is using today to get results for his clients including…podcasting!
- Why you should be re-purposing your content
Plus, as usual we ask Phil for his top tip/key takeaway for the audience.
If you’re looking to raise your profile and would like to get yourself booked on other podcasts, you can do so via Phil’s other business, Podcast Bookers here. Similarly, if you’d like to guest on the Internet Marketing Podcast, feel free to send us a mail.
If you’d like to connect with Phil, you can find him via the Kansas City Web Design Twitter here.