#507 How to Optimise User Experience and Conversion Rate: Interview with Justin Christianson

In Conversion Optimisation, Internet Marketing Podcast, The Digital Marketing Blog, Uncategorized & Miscellaneous by SeanLeave a Comment

On today’s episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Justin Christianson, Author, Co-Founder and President at Conversion Fanatics to talk about conversion rate optimisation and how you can best optimise the user experience on your site. 

On the show you’ll learn:

  • Why you should be split testing and how you can do so
  • Why user experience isn’t just about improving your conversion rate
  • Why improving engagement with your visitors is important
  • Why it’s harder to garner trust online today
  • Why the colour of buttons on your site should remain consistent through the users journey

Plus Justin provides his top tip/key takeaway for the audience.

If you’d like to connect with Justin, you can find him on LinkedIn here and on Facebook here.

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