Having recently taken over hosting duties on this prestigious podcast, I am fully immersed in learning everything I can to try and bring you all the best content I can.
There’s a lot to learn and there are ‘level-up’ moments I’m experiencing with each new podcast that I record.
Podcasting is going through another boom right now, and right at the centre of that boom is James Mulvany, Founder of one of the world’s leading podcast hosts, podcast.co, and serial podcaster.
James has spent a life in audio that has included him launching Radio.co (for creating online radio stations), Podcast.co (podcast hosting and production) and most recently, MatchMaker.fm (connecting podcast hosts with guests and vice versa).
This appearance from James was part of his ’30 podcasts in 30 days’ tour. I also had the pleasure of interviewing him over on my podcast ‘The Advertising Hour’ where we discussed ‘Lessons from a Life in Podcasting’.
With so many people getting into podcasts right now, I wanted to help break down the common obstacles in podcasting with James to help our listeners launch their first podcasts or perhaps improve an existing one.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- How podcasts tours can help you promote a product, service or just get you unstuck
- How to generate topic ideas for your podcast
- Technical skills and resources to help you launch or improve a podcast
More from James:
- https://www.podcast.co/
- https://www.podcast.co/courses/blueprint
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWlgiTNrKu0
- https://radio.co/
- https://www.matchmaker.fm
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesmulvany/
- More on James’ 30 day podcasting challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUSz1xmn8cs
- https://jamesm.com/
Connect with us:
- https://twitter.com/sitevisibility/
- https://www.instagram.com/sitevisibility/
- https://www.facebook.com/SiteVisibility/
Connect with Scott:
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottcolenutt/
- scott.colenutt@sitevisibility.com
- Scott’s episode with James on ‘The Advertising Hour’: https://pod.co/the-advertising-hour/2-lessons-from-a-life-in-podcasting-with-james-mulvany-founder-of-podcast-co
Need help with your podcast?
We’d love to hear if any of our listeners out there are also podcasting. Send us your podcast links, questions and feedback to grow@sitevisibility.com
If you want to launch a podcast but are struggling to make it happen, let us know! We love this medium and have the expertise to help you launch your podcast or breathe new life into an existing one.
See you next week!