In today’s podcast episode we were lucky enough to sit down with Chris Treadaway the Author of Facebook Marketing an Hour a Day, albeit digitallly, and ask him to share his thoughts on Facebook Marketing Best Practice.
Chris’s book is a great read and you can pick it up from here in the states and here in the UK
You can listen to the episode on the player below, subscribe to the podcast feed or listen in on iTunes
- Is there a certain type of business that works best for Facebook Marketing?
- We’re at an interesting inflection point seeing how corporations deal with Facebook
- Do you think the people being marketed to are getting more savvy with their information they disclose.
- People haven’t left Facebook over privacy and are realising the compromise
- What happens when every company and every person is on Facebook?
- What’s best a page, a group or something else?
- Groups can work well to market your company subtly
- What’s the best place to start marketing or advertising?
- Do you think the spammy Facebook adverts will spoil the formats impressions.
- Ask your self what will make someone become a fan.
- Chris’s Twitter Profile
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