#512 How to Take Control of Your Search Traffic With On-Page SEO: Interview with Matthew Woodward

In Content Marketing, Internet Marketing Podcast, SEO, The Digital Marketing Blog by SeanLeave a Comment

On today’s episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Matthew Woodward, International SEO expert and speaker to talk about on-page SEO and how to use it to take control of your search traffic.

  • What an on-page SEO audit is and why they are important?
  • Why on-page SEO is critical when it comes to ranking factors.  
  • Why the effectiveness of link building strategies are boosted 10x fold with solid on-page SEO
  • How you to find out if you need to do an on page SEO audit
  • Why it’s important to do an on-page SEO audit if you have a plateau in search traffic, declining search traffic or have received a manual penalty 
  • How you can do an on page SEO audit including Matthew’s 5x step common sense audit process.
  • The most common mistakes that Matthew sees when it comes to technical and on-page seo audit.

Plus, Matthew provides his top-tip/key takeway for the audience.

If you’d like to connect with Matthew, you can find him on Twitter here, his website here & his YouTube channel here.

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